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October Fun!

Writer: Ryan LoehrRyan Loehr

Happy Friday! It's been a bit since we've sent one of these out, but I assure you the fun hasn't stopped in the classrooms. Classes have been busy measuring pumpkins, creating their own monster in creative writing, and taking a go at some maze team building activities that staff learned a few weeks back. Make sure you're connected to Class Dojo to see the daily fun going on in your student's class. -Halloween-

  • Students are allowed to wear their costumes on Friday, October 29th. Regardless of what their costume is, they are still required to wear a proper face covering.

  • Please leave any weapon like props at home.

  • Pumpkins should be going home with your student at the end of the day Friday, October 29th.


  • Please remember to add your child's first or last name to all jackets/sweaters. It helps us look for those missing items for you.

  • All jackets and sweaters must be red. Not grey, not purple, not rainbow swirled, but as much of a solid red as you can get. If you're having trouble finding a retailer for them please let Mrs. Lefebvre know. She'd be happy to forward some resources along to you.

-Drop-off & Pick-up- Please stay on the tile floor in the foyer when dropping off and picking up your student. We have this policy in place for COVID safety and policies we have to follow as a school. This includes siblings in other classes, they need to remain with you in the foyer in an effort to keep cohorts separate. Questions or need assistance? Direct them to Mrs. Lefebvre and she'd be happy to help out. Thank you to everyone who's been extra cautious when your kiddo has displayed cold symptoms. We can't tell you how much we appreciate your diligence in keeping our school community well. Have a great weekend!



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